Maderotherapy at Venus

Draining massage, anti-cellulite and 100% natural Maderotherapy for body slimming in St. Barths
About the Treatment
A massage technique from traditional oriental medicine, which uses wooden instruments to model the silhouette. Our Venus treatment tones the body, stimulates blood circulation while offering relaxation.
Book your treatment
30 / 45 MIN. per session
Package of 6 Sessions Maderotherapy

€630 / €750
  • Visible results from the first session
    It is also called "wood therapy". This massage, coupled with more traditional manual massage techniques, aims to activate the body's lymphatic network.
  • Non-invasive
    The Venus treatment is carried out manually, performing a local massage on the body.
  • Holistic
    Maderotherapy is able to stimulate and balance energy, reduce stress, and relieve muscular pains and joints, providing an all-round care for your body.
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